KP1 and KP2 Water Purifier
KP1 Water Purifier
First introduced in 1994, 1000s of these systems are now in use all over the UK and perform outstandingly well for economy, ease-of-use and contaminant removal. Compact - measuring only 13" high x 14" long. The "SHORT TRAVEL" carbons are at least 5 times as effective as any Granular equivalent and will neither "channel" nor "dump".
PERFORMANCE: Designed to reduce average levels of Free Chlorine to no more than .003ppm, the "safe" level for aquatic life, and remove Pesticides, Insecticides, VOCs, reduce Chloramine, THMs etc. and minimise commonly encountered levels of "Heavy Metals".
KP2 Water Purifier
THE KP2 SUPER is of similar design to the HILUX, being also fitted with the absolute-rated "SEDEX" pre-filter in our "Clearview" housing so that incoming particulate contaminants, so often toxic to aquatic species, can be monitored as they are trapped at this stage. The 'SEDEX' pre-filter is over 97% effective at 5 micron, absolute, thus being far more efficient than pre-filters supplied with most other makes of purifier, which rely more heavily on carbons to do the job which is easily done by the cheaper-to-replace 'SEDEX'